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Jean de LA FONTAINE biography


Valencià ENGLISH

It was on January 14th , 1.960, when the marriage formed by Mr. Julián Alguacil and Mss. Pilar Marí Latorre, started up this educational project.
It was a small place placed in Millán Astray St. number 8, (nowadays Santiago García St.) where there were only three classrooms. The increasing number of pupils made that place smaller and smaller. Because of this reason they were forced to acquire a new place located in number 12 in the same street. In these new places we were granted the definitive authorization (BOE 12-10-71).

It did not spend a long time, and this new place was too small again, and we were forced again to find another place to lodge the new pupils. We had to adapt ourselves to the needs that the new Law of Education (1.971) demanded us. We experimented a great change to the Concordia Square.
On June 15th , 1976 (BOE 01-12-76) we were authorized to occupy the new building with a capacity of 8 E.G.B's units (320 pupils), which were added to the two Kindergarten classes that they had already been authorized (BOE 13-06-75).
On September 23th (1.977) (BOE 25-1177) this school was declared as a social interest center.

Approved the LOGSE the works were made to fulfill the requirements of the 2nd cycle of Infantile Education. These works were definitively authorized by “Consellería de Cultura, Educació i Ciència” and in the ORDER (March 5th , 1.996) (DOGV10-05-96). In the summer of 1.999 the facilities of the School Center were renewed , in order to adapt them to the requirements imposed by the LOGSE to have E.S.O classes.

Verified the ending of the mentioned works, “Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ciencia” dictated the Resolution of May 20th (1.999) in which The Fontaine School is authorized, as a private center, to the following units:

3 units of Infantile Education (2nd cycle) with 47 school positions/places.
6 units of Primary Education, with 120 school positions/places.
4 units of Secondary Obligatory Education, 108 school positions/places.